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加拿大的魁北克和安大略省边境发生了一宗罪案80s手机电影,不管愿不愿意,人们被召集到一起。分别来自魁北克和安大略警局的探员David Bouchard和Martin Ward不得不一同展开调查。这2个人截然不同,事实上,如果非要找出他们俩有什么共同点,那就是他们都是警察,尽管是完全不同风格的警察。
Plot Summary:
When a crime is committed on the border of Quebec and Ontario, everyone is forced to come together, whether they want to or not. As the investigation gets underway, we meet David Bouchard and Martin Ward, members of their respective provincial police forces who are forced to work together. The two men couldn't be more different. In fact, the only thing they appear to have in common is that they are both cops, albeit cops with totally different styles.
